At its recent meeting held in New York, the Board of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW) approved the expansion of CAW Network USA’s activities to cover their members in Canada and the Caribbean. As a result, Chartered Accountants who are members of the fifteen CAW member institutes and who reside in Canada and the Caribbean will now be able to take advantage of accredited training, networking and other resources that are conveniently available in their time zones.
“We are delighted that the CAW Board has approved the expansion of CAW Network USA’s activities to Canada and the Caribbean.” said CAW Network USA’s President, Shane Rogers. Shane added, “We see CAW’s approval of CAW Network USA’s expansion plans to these geographies, as validation that the CAW Network USA’s model of supporting Chartered Accountants across North America simply works.”
Effective immediately, Chartered Accountants throughout Canada and the Caribbean can obtain access to CAW Network USA’s member resources by simply registering on the CAW Network USA website. There is no cost for these Chartered Accountants to join CAW Network USA for the remainder of 2023.
By joining CAW Network USA, eligible Chartered Accountants will be able to gain access to recorded and live webinars on a variety of topics of relevance and interest. This includes CAW Network USA’s highly regarded “Beyond Accounting” series that is produced jointly with CAW institutes. Many of CAW Network USA’s webinars are NASBA accredited, enabling Chartered Accountants who are also US CPA’s to use participation in these webinars toward their annual CPA requirement.
CAW Network USA has a national network of Chapters throughout the United States that enable Chartered Accountants to network with their peers locally. With CAW Network USA’s expansion into Canada and the Caribbean, it intends to extend its Chapter network throughout this territory. CAW Network USA will start this process during 2023 by establishing Chapters in Toronto and Vancouver.
Chartered Accountants who would like to learn more about joining, as well as opportunities to volunteer, should contact CAW Network USA’s Chief Executive, David Powell, at [email protected]