About Open Badges

What is an Open Badge

Open Badges are connected, verifiable credentials represented in portable image files, with embedded metadata about skills and achievements. They comply with the Open Badges Specification and are shareable across the web (Social Media, e-Portfolio, Blogs or Online CVs).

CAW Network USA use Open Badges to reward attendees of our webinars, events and eLearning users who successfully complete the requirements.

See below how Open Badges work.

There is Data inside each Open Badge including:

  • Badge Name & Description
  • Badge issuer: Who issued the Open Badge
  • Recipient: Who it was issued to
  • Badge Criteria: What must be done in order to earn the badge
  • Evidence: Proof that the criteria have been met
  • Issue date / Expiry date

How Open Badges work

Learning happens everywhere!

Open Badges can be issued by an organisation delivering training or willing to recognise individuals’ skills, competencies or achievements.

Open Badges are evidence-based: Information including who issued the badge and the skills, competencies or achievements is hard coded as metadata.

Digital Bank Accounts for Skills, Competencies and Achievements

Open Badges are portable, meaning that the earner of a Badge owns their record of Skills, Competencies and Achievements.

To that end, Open Badge earners use online central applications called Open Badges Backpacks, that can be compared to Digital Bank Accounts for their Badges.

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Open Badge earners share and display their Open Badges on social media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.), e-Portfolios or CVs.

Earners are in control and make visible Open Badges of their choice, building their own ecosystem of Skills, Competencies and Achievements.

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