
July 16, 2024
Join the global connectedness campaign

Join the Global Connectedness Campaign

We invite young Chartered Accountants (under 35) working abroad to share their experiences through short, selfie-style videos for our Global Connectedness social media campaign. Create a short video, capturing your journey authentically and share it with us.
May 2, 2024
Chartered Accountants Worldwide Think Tank Dublin 2024

Young Leaders Think Tank creates global community of difference makers

The inaugural Chartered Accountants Worldwide Global Young Leaders Think Tank has set the stage for a shared vision for the future of the profession. The drive to attract and retain talent is not news for anyone in the trenches of day-to-day recruitment and retention, but for the accountancy profession, the challenge of attracting new entrants is a global one – and a global problem requires global thinking.
April 12, 2024

Goals for the Beyond 2030 Accountant

The field of accounting is rapidly changing. Beyond 2030, the Future accountant will possess a unique set of skills. Listen to our student interviews and find out how the next generation of leaders is addressing these issues.