Beyond Accounting


Goals for the Beyond 2030 Accountant

The field of accounting is rapidly changing. Beyond 2030, the Future accountant will possess a unique set of skills. Listen to our student interviews and find out how the next generation of leaders is addressing these issues.

AI & Accountants

Beyond Accounting – AI and Accountants

Art Kleiner presents the 7 Principles of Responsible Technology from his book The AI Dilemma. Kleiner is then joined by Jannie Wentzel and Chris Easton for an open discussion on AI and Accountants.


Highlights: Beyond Accounting – Beyond the Numbers – Session 1 – Leadership

In June 2023, CAW Network USA hosted an in-person conference at Fordham University in New York City. This first session was on leadership.


Highlights: Beyond Accounting – Beyond the Numbers – Session 6 – Future of Audit

In June 2023, CAW Network USA hosted an in-person conference at Fordham University in New York City. This second session was on the future of audit.


Performance with Care

Performance with Care

In this session Declan Scott BSc (Mgmt), MA, FCA explores the definition of resilience followed by insights from the latest research By Jade Petalcorin Resilience, or […]


The Finance+ insight series

ICAS has something new for 2022. The Finance+ insight series helps put you in the bigger picture, exploring the key issues and opportunities for today’s finance professional.

Recent events have revealed the need for resilience and the readiness to grasp new ways of thinking, living and working. They have also shown that with change comes opportunity and demonstrated the role ICAS Members can play in shaping a better future for us all.

office stress

Stressed accountants too busy to seek mental health support

In a recent caba survey, eight out of 10 respondents said stress and poor mental health are a problem within the accountancy profession. Are we facing a mental health pandemic?

Accountants are significantly more stressed than employees across other sectors, with workload, long hours and the lack of margin for error in the job tipping many over the edge, new research has found.


How can technology affect your mental health?

Bupa explain some of the ways that too much technology could affect your mental health and share their top tips to help you get the balance just right.

Whether you’re using the latest accounting software or ordering a last-minute birthday gift, it’s hard to remember a time when technology didn’t make everyday life that little bit easier. This has been particularly true over the last 18 months. During the pandemic, technology helped us to stay connected with loved ones, continue working remotely and discover the best recipe for lockdown banana bread.

Sustainability & SDGs

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility – A Global Call to Action

CAW Network USA hosted this webinar to offer lessons in what Corporate Social Responsibility is and how to implement CSR into an organization.


30% of students consider sustainability in college selection – March 2023

For colleges and universities across the US, much like the accountancy profession, understanding the motivations and drivers of future generations and incoming talent is vital.

How the circular economy is becoming key to corporate longevity

How the circular economy is becoming key to corporate longevity

As customers become more aware of their personal carbon footprint, they’re causing organizations to take a cold, hard look at their operations—and make some changes.

Climate change has become a driving force in the way companies operate, and consumers and stakeholders are largely behind the push, experts say. As they become more aware of their carbon footprint, people are adjusting their behaviour accordingly—and organizations are catching up.

Climate Change


Starting a sustainability reporting revolution

Investors are demanding better reporting on ESG issues and a new sustainability standard setter may deliver what’s required.

Why the chief sustainability officer is becoming more common

Why the chief sustainability officer is becoming more common

This rapidly growing role spans every area of an organization, from corporate strategy to disclosure.

As organizations work toward becoming net zero and meeting the requirements of the Paris Agreement, jobs that help foster corporate sustainability are becoming more common, especially in the financial sector. One such position is the chief sustainability officer (CSO).

On the radar ; Key accounting themes from COP26

On the radar: Key accounting themes from COP26

What CPAs should know about the conference’s discussions that covered net-zero economies, a carbon market deal and reforestation strategies


Starting a sustainability reporting revolution

Investors are demanding better reporting on ESG issues and a new sustainability standard setter may deliver what’s required.

Digital Disruption


Cybersecurity Inside the Boardroom

Back in May 2022, we held a hybrid event, hosted by Tampa chapter head Graham Kitching, focusing on Cybersecurity. Find out more about the event here.

CPAs find your own fit with coding experts say

CPAs, find your own fit with coding, experts say

Expertise will depend on your role, level of seniority and career trajectory

Now is the time to get ahead of the open banking curve

Now is the time to get ahead of the open banking curve

CPAs need to be prepared for opportunities as Canada works to enact an official open banking system, targeted for 2023

Covid-19 - Global Recovery

working covid

How to tackle the pandemic’s effect on social mobility

Findings from research by the Resolution Foundation give key insights into what needs to be done to repair social mobility after the pandemic.

The shockwaves sent through the economy, labour market and children’s education by the pandemic must be addressed in order to repair social mobility, according to the Resolution Foundation.

CAW Shaping the next phase of work and beyond

Shaping the next phase of work – and beyond

As we embark on shaping the next phase of work, there is a mix of concern and excitement about getting the transition right. Kevin Empey explores what leaders can do with this once-in-a-generation opportunity to mould the future of work here and now.

Keeping finance on court during the crisis

How CFOs are keeping finance on course during the crisis

In the coming months, chief financial officers will have a key role to play in keeping a tight focus on what really matters in these chaotic times

As the fallout from COVID-19 continues, business owners remain concerned about their survival and the safety of their employees, and chief financial officers can help.


Exploring the full impact of COVID-19 on offices

Workspaces will start to look a lot different because of the pandemic.


Internal Audit Vision

Shane Rogers, CAW Network USA President and Chartered Accountant, discusses the importance of setting an innovative vision.

Modernize Your Financial Consolidation Solution Insight Article

CAW Network USA presents a panel discussing the benefits of replacing a legacy solution with a modern financial consolidation solution.


trust, making the difference

Trust: Making the Difference

Foundations & impacts of Chartered Accountants’ trusted roles in society The Chartered Accountancy profession, spanning nearly two centuries, prioritises accuracy, integrity, and the public interest. In […]


gender gap

Tara Cemlyn-Jones takes aim at the gender gap

Fintech specialist and former investment banker Tara Cemlyn-Jones co-founded the 25×25 initiative with a target of 25 female FTSE 100 CEOs by 2025.

She talks to Lysanne Currie about the progress made and the critical role of data.


Join the global connectedness campaign

Join the Global Connectedness Campaign

We invite young Chartered Accountants (under 35) working abroad to share their experiences through short, selfie-style videos for our Global Connectedness social media campaign. Create a short video, capturing your journey authentically and share it with us.



Spotlight The Highlights of – Philanthropy: Focus on Malawi

CAW Network USA’s David Powell interviews Gordon Cowie, Founder and Chairman of Trustees – Friends of Sick Children in Malawi and founder member of ACAUS.

Gordon Cowie found himself in New York City in 1982, working with Roger Musson, the second president of ACAUS. While he dedicated much of his time and expertise to the organization, he simultaneously explored a variety of paths in his professional career.

Global Trade

diversify markets

Diversify markets and innovate systems to thrive in 2022

Business confidence in the first quarter of 2022 has returned to pre-pandemic levels, suggesting that companies are looking to the future after an unprecedented two years, ICAEW says.

ICAEW’s Business Confidence Monitor (BCM), which surveys 1,000 chartered accountants across the UK, found confidence at 27.6 (out of 100) in the first quarterly index of 2022. Although this is significantly below the highest-ever reading of 47 two quarters ago, the peak was explained as a blip following the introduction of the vaccine.


Join the global connectedness campaign

Join the Global Connectedness Campaign

We invite young Chartered Accountants (under 35) working abroad to share their experiences through short, selfie-style videos for our Global Connectedness social media campaign. Create a short video, capturing your journey authentically and share it with us.

CAW Think Tank New York

Shaping the next generation – insights from the second global future leaders think tank.

The 2nd CAW global future leaders think tank convened at Fordham University’s Lincoln Campus in New York City on June the 12th 2024.

Chartered Accountants Worldwide Think Tank Dublin 2024

Young Leaders Think Tank creates global community of difference makers

The inaugural Chartered Accountants Worldwide Global Young Leaders Think Tank has set the stage for a shared vision for the future of the profession. The drive to attract and retain talent is not news for anyone in the trenches of day-to-day recruitment and retention, but for the accountancy profession, the challenge of attracting new entrants is a global one – and a global problem requires global thinking.