Sponsorship Opportunities 2022

CAW Network USA Webinar Sponsorship 2022

What is the Beyond Accounting Series?

It is series of online conferences held in conjunction with our CAW Network USA member institutes.

These events feature thought leaders and influencers from across our worldwide network and cover a broad range of compelling topics.

The conferences are 90 minutes long and held at times aimed to maximize attendees.

6 events were held in 2021 and we are planning 8 Beyond events in 2022, plus some additional 1-hour webinars.

Who attends these events?

Promotion material and invites for these events are sent to over 7,000 CAW Network USA members as well as countless others in our home institutes around the globe.

In 2021 over 1,635 people from >30 countries attended our events and of these 521 attended the 6 Beyond Accounting events and 40%+ of these attendees were US based.

Additionally, recordings of webinars are kept on website and watched by those unable to attend, usually getting more views than those attending the original event.

How do you get involved?

We are looking for Gold level sponsors to partner with throughout the year in delivering these premium conferences.

By sponsoring our events you can become part of the story and promote your involvement cost effectively.

Beyond Accounting
$7,500 USD Annual Sponsorship

Benefits of Annual Gold level Sponsorship of the Beyond Accounting Series include:

Overall Benefits

  • Annual Sponsorship of Beyond Accounting Series
  • Branding on all promotional material and CAW Network USA webpage
  • Company Name and Overview on each Beyond accounting event landing page
  • Ability to send promotional materials to our 7,000 members
  • Access to post unlimited jobs on CAW jobs board

Webinar Specific

  • Headline Sponsorship of 2 Beyond Accounting events throughout year
  • Potential to supply a speaker for 1 stand alone thought leadership webinar
  • Potential to co-brand events with Member Institutes for global reach
  • Advertorial opportunity at events
  • Fullscreen logo on all event titles

Other virtual engagement opportunities

In 2022 we also plan to hold 6-8 x 1-hour webinars. We held 7 of these in 2021 usually at noon Eastern. Registration averaged 109 per event with attendance averaging 68. You can view our webinars on demand here.

We are also planning to do at least 6 podcasts in 2022 with thought leaders / difference makers. In 2021 we did 6 with speakers including Amir Dossal, Ronan Dunne and Shane Rogers. You can listen to our podcasts here.

We hope to run an in-person conference in New York in 2023. We had to postpone our 2020 one due to COVID.

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