From Corporate Tax Havens to Corporate Accountability Highlights

tax havens
Event spotlights as our speaker takes a non technical look at global trends


Murray Buckman, tax expert and educator presented for Northern California’s Corporate Accountability webinar on June 17th. Murray took a non-political view with his observations of three public companies at the center of highly criticized industries in regards to their use of offshore companies. He led a non-technical discussion that analyzes emerging and growing trends since the 2017 tax reforms.

Below are highlights of Murray’s data-driven presentation, as he helps his listeners better make sense of the political and media driven “noise” around corporate tax havens.

As he introduces the audience to his presentation, before diving into the data, Murray explains three big concepts. These are the key to understanding corporate tax havens as we observe how companies can move their profits around. This segment of his presentation serves as a valuable overview for the specifics that follow.

Take a look at the corporate tax continuum laid out by Murray for his listeners. As accountants and companies make tax related choices, their stance on the continuum may shift. Murray will explain, however, that there is a subjective nature to this topic.

As tax laws have evolved, the use of tax havens does not present with as much ease anymore. Though this signals a step in the right direction, there are some steps left to take towards corporate accountability, especially with big tech in the US. Listen as Murray takes a deeper look at this topic.

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