CAW Network USA is pleased to share that our New England / Greater New York and Philadelphia Chapter members / partners / guests (plus any other CAW Network USA members who wish to participate) – are invited to our first virtual wine event. “Summer Wines from Beach to Table (and beyond)” will be held on Thursday 24th June at 7pm Eastern followed by a networking session, after our personal sommelier, Jenn Knowles, has finished her entertaining introduction to drinking wines on the beach! Cost for Jenn’s program is $20 – CAW Network USA is subsidizing this by $10/screen for members of our funding institutes and paid up associates. Else cost is $30 per screen. On top of this you will need to buy the recommended wines and suggested snacks (estimate $50). Note we need to confirm participants by 24th June, noon to agree numbers with Jenn.
Date/Time: Thursday 24th June 2021 at 7pm
Registration Required by: Thursday 24th June 2021 by 12 noon EST
Venue: Virtual on Zoom
Cost: $20 fee (Jennifer charges per screen) plus wine approx. $50
What to expect
Prior to the event you will receive an email which will contain:
- Pictures of the labels of the 3 wines to buy. The wines should be available at most wine merchants, however if the exact bottle isn’t available don’t worry! Ask for something similar and Jenn will happily involve your bottle in the discussions!
- Snack list – Jenn will also include a cheese that will complement the wine. They will be available at Whole Foods, where they can cut a portion for you. This is optional but adds to the experience!
Best regards
Jarrod/Greg (New England), Chalene/Ashleigh (New York) and Ellen/Vinita (Philadelphia)