
tax havens

From Corporate Tax Havens to Corporate Accountability Highlights

Murray Buckman, tax expert and educator presented for Northern California’s Corporate Accountability webinar on June 17th.

Murray took a non-political view with his observations of three public companies at the center of highly criticized industries in regards to their use of offshore companies.


Fixing the faults in South Africa’s corporate reporting ecosystem

Since 2017, the auditing profession has been plagued by high-profile corporate failures that have implicated auditors.

As a result of state capture revelations, share price collapses, and corruption allegations, the South African public continues to question how audit can be relied upon to protect its investments.


Forth Ports safe haven in choppy Brexit seas

Before 2016, it was rare to hear anyone talking about ‘frictionless trade’ or ‘border checks’ over a drink. The fact that 95% of our imports and exports flow through our ports seemed of little consequence. But the EU referendum result has meant people who hitherto had little interest in trade deals, now have a view on anything from WTO rules to tariffs.


Combating white-collar crime?

White-collar crimes are increasingly sophisticated and transnational. The nature and scale of recent cases have been mind-boggling. In April 2018, forensic accountants from RSM Corporate Advisory highlighted issues involving possible roundtripping transactions, fabrication and alteration of transaction documents, as well as possible fraudulent and erroneous claims under the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) tax scheme, with the involvement of senior company officers at a local listed company, Trek 2000 International.


A fair trade model for the B2B sector: how finance can apply innovation to tackle UN SDGs

After the launch of Finance & Business2030 conference in London, Chartered Accountants Worldwide surveyed more than 120 delegates for their thoughts and reactions following the event which featured finance and business professionals discussing ways to develop a plan of action towards achieving the goals.

FinBiz2030 is a joint initiative between One Young World, Chartered Accountants Worldwide and the City of London.

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