Beyond Accounting – Difference Makers Podcast: Mark Walby

Beyond Accounting Difference Makers Podcast

Marc Walby – Opportunities & Risks for Accountants in Risk Management

Risk management is an ever-growing area of focus for organizations and Finance leaders have a leading role in establishing a risk management framework.

Risk Management – Opportunities for Accountants

In a time of increased risk from new areas at an unprecedented pace, organizations are forecasting increased focus on risk management. Finance leaders play a leading role in helping an organization with their internal controls and risk management.

Marc talks to us about his journey into risk management and tips for finance leaders who are evaluating the wide array of risks that organizations face. He also provides insights into the opportunities for accountants to move into dedicated risk management roles.

Using his accounting qualification to make a difference

Marc works with several different nonprofit organizations and shares how he is using his qualification to make a difference.

Tips for getting a role as a Non-Executive Director

Accountants can use their qualifications to make a difference and support nonprofit organizations. Marc shares his tips on how you can find and land a non-executive position at a nonprofit, and the benefits that it brings.

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