Measuring the Most Valuable Asset – The Sequel

John Truzzolino and Sulaiman Afzal help viewers understand the new SEC disclosure rules for human capital.


Following on the same educational track of a previous CAW Network USA webinar, on September 8th, we presented Measuring the Most Value Asset- The Sequel. This webinar featured John Truzzolino, Director of Business Development at Donnelley Financial Solutions, DFIN, Global Capital Markets, and Sulaiman Afzal, Managing Director for US Data Solutions.

Viewers came away from the webinar able to better understand “SEC New human capital disclosure rules” and what should be considered in “Getting your company ready”. Main topics covered included Inventory, focus, implementation, and consideration in regard to practices that align with new human capital disclosure laws.

Below are highlights from the event:

Sulaiman poses the audience a question: Is managing human capital a science or an art? Listen as he explores his thoughts on the idea and connects it with the principles-based approach of the SEC.

Sulaiman looks back on his personal experience in the industry and acknowledges the significance in observation of structured and unstructured data. He speaks about how the current focus on Human Capital Management has been a “wake up call.”

Artificial intelligence has great potential use in three key areas for Human Capital Management. Sulaiman will briefly introduce them.

Beginning the second portion of the webinar, John Truzzolino introduces the six components of ESG and Human Capital Management. He focuses on the role of materiality assessments and qualitative and quantitative data sets.

John continues his talk by directly observing Bank of America and how they integrate risk in the strategy-setting process and performance driving operations in regard to ESG and HCM.

Sulaiman begins the third portion of the webinar by speaking about why most companies maintain a disclosure committee and why professionals need to deeply look at who is part of the disclosure committee for a particular company. He discusses how the right committee composition allows members to bring diverse perspectives and insights, setting any company up better for success.

To conclude, Sulaiman summarizes some of the webinar main takeaways and how the new SEC human disclosure rules may lead to next steps for both companies and individuals.

Eager for more? Full Webinar can be found here.

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